Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) controls software and services for transforming the data into a form of actionable intelligence which willgive way for an organization to take strategic and tactical business decisions. BI tools are used to access the data sets and then to analyze them in order to present analytical findings in form of reports, graphs, chart etc. It guides the users with insight about the state of the business in an elaborate way. Business intelligence does not inform the users as what has to be done or what will happen next and it is not only used for creating reports. Instead BI gives support to people to examine the data which will provide directions and understand the trend.


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BOARD BI Platform

Data Analytics With R

Data Visualization With QlikView

Data Visualization With Tableau

Data Warehousing And BI

Machine Learning With Python

Master SAS

Microsoft Power BI

Sisense BI

TIBCO Spotfire

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