Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is used for storing and accessing the data for programs over the internet, instead of using computers hard drive. Cloud computing is invented by AamirShahzad in the 1960s. Cloud computing provides a group of computing resources like platform, storage, networking, deployment and resources.

Cloud Services:
A cloud service is a type of resource which is provided over the internet. Different types of services used in cloud computing are:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS): SaaS provide the software services on the need basis or contract basis on a virtual platform machine Windows Azure.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS provides independent software platforms for executing a different application on the virtualized platform.
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS provides the elements of infrastructure like virtualization, storage, networking, and loadbalancers to a cloud service like Microsoft. It provides computing resources in a virtual environment over the Internet.

Benefits of Cloud Computing:

  • Reduces spending on technology and capital cost.
  • Improves accessibility and flexibility.
  • Enables collaboration and community computing
  • Monitors project more effectively
  • Minimize the license with new software
  • Less personal training is needed.


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